NTC Park
In this area of NTC Park you can sit at the tables for a picnic. You can also barbecue here. When you have birthday parties you can put the cake and the presents on these tables.
This is Mrs. Julie and her dog Bailey. Mrs. Julie teaches out door fitness here at NTC park!
At NTC Park there is one playground that is for the big kids.The playground is a big playground. There is a rock wall and slides.
In this area of NTC Park you can sit at the tables for a picnic. You can also barbecue here. When you have birthday parties you can put the cake and the presents on these tables.
Before Liberty Station was here, the park used to be a place for Navy sailors to march. It was known as the Grinder where Navy graduations and lots of marching practice took place. Back then there were no trees or grass. I can imagine all that gray vast concrete. It’s likely that there would be three commanders and lots of sailors having to train and train and march and march under the hot sun. All that marching had to be tiring. The next day their feet would be in such pain from all that marching. Being a navy sailor must have been hard work.
Written by, Neal
NTC Park helps our community in an important way. Families can have picnics and birthday parties at NTC Park. Families can play at the two playgrounds. One of the playgrounds is for the little kids and the other playground is for the big kids. Families can go to NTC Park for exercise and to have fun. Moms can run with their babies at a stroller strides class. Families can go to NTC Park to ride their bikes and scooters. You can walk your dogs and you can also ride your skateboard. At NTC Park you can play football and other sports too. At NTC Park the grass is so, so green! You can run in the green grass. At NTC Park their are beautiful flowers and bees go to the flowers to get pollen and honey. NTC Park is a great place for our community!
Written by, Jaxxon
INTERVIEW (present day worker)
I interviewed Mrs. Julie. She teaches outdoor fitness. Her job is called, Wicked Tough and Fabulous Outdoor Fitness. The reason she likes going to NTC Park is because it is beautiful and it is by the bay. Mrs. Julie has bin going to fitness class for six years and she has been teaching the class for 4 years. Mrs. Julie teaches three people. Mrs. Julie has a mascot. Mrs. Julie's mascot is a dog. The dog’s name is Bailey. Mrs. Julie likes going to NTC Park because it is close to her house. She also likes it because it’s a great place to meet with friends and family. NTC Park is a great place in Liberty station today.
Written by, Ana
NTC Park is an awesome place to go to! There is a wide-open grassy area where kids can have parties, like birthday parties. They can also practice gymnastics if they do gymnastics. Kids can walk their dog there. They can do yoga too. They can take their mats to NTC Park. There is also a playground where kids can swing on the swings. The grass is pretty and green. NTC Park is an awesome place to go. I hope you go to the NTC Park.
Written by, Josie